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prospect has come under cloud By Vivek SharmaIf India’s renewable energy (RE) sector is to shake off its torpor of the past couple of years, a complete revisit of its ecosystem, and coque iphone 5c qui recouvre tout an coque iphone 4 pizza integrated approach to solutions is imperative. Indeed, over the past decade, the sector has seen significant coque iphone rossy growth in capacity especially over the past five fiscals, after the government announced an ambitious target of coque iphone mini in the box installing 175 GW capacity by fiscal 2022, with installed capacity surging to 78 GW (including coque iphone 5s transparent disney 28 GW coque iphone 7 integral solar and 35 GW wind) in fiscal coque iphone 4 princesse 2019 from 39 GW as of fiscal 2015.Related NewsRenewable Energy sector prospect has come under cloud Three steps to recharge itAir traffic shrinks in December after healthy growth last month: SpiceJet market share increasesMake in India: Samsung to manufacture its mobile coque coque iphone 4 fun iphone 6s effet cuir phone displays coque iphone 6 plus papillon in India; invests Rs 3,500 croreHowever, over the past 12 24 months, the sector’s prospects have come under coque iphone 5 tete de mort a cloud with wind capacity addition declining drastically since fiscal 2017 and solar capacity nearly screeching to a halt last fiscal after logging the maximum installations in fiscal 2018 (see chart). The reasons for the decline in growth are coque iphone 6 kobe not far to seek. bague femme First is coque iphone 6 transparente cuir the tariff cap set in the auction process. It has skewed the economics even as the safeguard duty has increased costs and associated risks. Also, from a lender’s perspective, the most important requirement is a desired minimum debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), which is linked to the tariff quoted. coque samsung This is causing delays in commissioning, inapplicability of quoted tariff for the commissioning year, cost overruns, penalties, and an eventual impact on project cash flows. The health of most remains poor even as the Ujwal coque iphone se basketball Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) nears its end, and UDAY 2 looms. Outstanding dues of discoms to conventional power producers had coque iphone jetech increased by around 57% on year to Rs 80,000 crore as of Oct 2019, coque iphone 5 stussy heaping pressure coque iphone grandever coque iphone 4 5s disney iphone 4 coque simple tsum tsum on the RE sector also. coque iphone Our analysis shows a six month delay in coque iphone 5 s harley davidson payment impacts the equity internal rate of return of a project by 200 basis points. Ideally, tariffs discovered under competitive bidding should be adopted by default. However, there have been cases of substantial delays. The government notified recently that tariffs would be deemed to be adopted in case of a delay by state electricity regulatory commissions. While this should coque iphone 4 s chanel help mitigate risk to some extent, how this pans out needs to be seen. Fifth is the infirm nature of RE. bijoux bracelets For discoms, one of the key concerns vis a vis RE is its inflexibility in syncing with peak demand. coque samsung Therefore, another source is required to meet peak demand in the evening. Similarly, when solar or wind power is available, some other power source may have to back down. Both have a cost that someone must bear. Discoms tend to curtail power, especially during off peak hours or monsoons (when demand is more than the supply from RE sources) or when they have competing thermal power (where they are bound to pay fixed charges) available. The government should, therefore, take steps to restore the faith of lenders and set the wheel of capacity addition whirring again. Three steps would be in order here:1. Contract fidelity: Today, there is no guarantee contracts will be coque iphone 5c azteque bleu enforced. Tshirt pokemon Cases in point are the recent move coque iphone 6 film horreur by Andhra Pradesh to renegotiate power purchase agreements and the UP government’s decision to stop buying wind power given a delay in tariff approval. Such practices have scarred the sector landscape and affected investments. Contracts should not be voided on the basis of political whims.2. Alternative mechanisms for sale of power: Mechanisms to sell power in the open market coque iphone 4 joker should be promoted through policy and regulatory interventions. Sale of power through Green Term Ahead Market contracts (through exchanges) and open access (direct sale to the customer, with no cross subsidy charges) need to be adopted and developed.3. Market based tariffs: Artificial tariff caps need to go and the market should get to decide tariffs based on costs and risks.