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John Volanthen and Rick Stanton have been nominated by many

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replica Purse HomeNewsUK NewsThailand cave rescueThailand cave rescuers up for the public vote in the Pride 7a replica bags philippines of Britain awardsThe two divers at the heart of an international underwater rescue mission have been nominated for an awardBritish divers Rick Stanton and John Volanthen who found the trapped 12 (Image: SWNS BRISTOL +44 (0)117 906655)Get daily news updates directly to your inboxSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newslettersThank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailThe British divers who rescued trapped youngsters from a flooded cave system in Thailand are in the running for a Pride of Britain award.John Volanthen and Rick Stanton have been nominated by many members of the public for finding the members of the Wild Boars football team after they had been trapped for nine days.All 12 team members and their coach were brought to safety days later in a daring operation under incredibly dangerous conditions.Hailing Mr Volanthen and Mr Stanton, British Cave Rescue Council vice chairman Bill Whitehouse said: “They are the A Team, if you like. They have the skills and expertise to do it.”A distinguished panel of judges will choose the winners of the Mirror’s Pride of Britain Awards 2018, in partnership with TSB. Hosted by Carol Vorderman in October, the glittering event celebrating the nation’s unsung heroes will again be screened on ITV.British cave divers reveal astonishing inside story of Thai football team rescueThe dramatic cave rescue captivated the world after the schoolboys became trapped in the Tham Luang caves in Chiang Rai with their 25 year old coach with little food, fresh water or light.They had gone in after football practice on June 23 but heavy rains brought floods, cutting off their exit.After they were found experienced divers took them out one by one through the flooded tunnels, some so replica bags in uk narrow they could not be negotiated without removing oxygen best replica ysl bags tanks.Hero Thailand cave diver who helped rescue schoolboys says zero visibility conditions ‘couldn’t get any worse’One Thai Navy Seal died in the rescue efforts.Nominations for Pride of Britain 2018 close at midnight tomorrow.Carol Vorderman said: “There’s still time for the public to nominate anyone they feel deserves recognition at Pride of Britain.”Perhaps it’s a courageous child, a charity fundraiser, a community champion or an inspiring teacher or member of the NHS, replica bags india emergency services or armed forces. replica Purse

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