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moncler coats for cheap HomeNewsUK NewsUniversity of SussexUniversity slammed for welcome pack containing ‘sexist’ gift for girls asking if they ‘spit or swallow’The University of Sussex has apologised for giving out “derogatory” beer mats in welcome packs for new studentsPeople are outraged about a beer mat given to students at a universityGet daily news updates directly to your inboxSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newslettersThank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailWhen you arrive at university, there are a number of events held for freshers where you’re bound to be handed free stuff.From branded pens to free food, you’ll collect a lot of useless bits and bobs during your first few days on campus.But one university has come under fire for a freebie given out in their welcome packs this week.Students and parents have slammed the University of Sussex and its Students’ Union for a ” sexist ” beer mat given out to new students. Row after school put boy into isolation for wearing earrings as mum says “they’re not just for girls”Made by toothbrush subscription service Brushbox, the beer mat was intended to promote dental hygiene but people couldn’t help but notice it contains a rather rude message.The item features a highly suggestive image of a woman with her mouth open, toothpaste dripping out of it.And a message on the reverse side reads: “Whether you spit or swallow as part of your (twice.) daily oral regime, place your oral health on autopilot with Brushbox.”Photos of the beer mat have been widely circulated and criticised on social media.NHS slammed for ‘sexist’ ad asking if women would swap lipstick and heels for a babyOne person on Twitter said: “Young woman is accepted to the University of Sussex and this is in her welcome bag. WTF moncler coats for cheap.