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cheap canada goose Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. Comments are welcome while open. We reserve the right to close comments at any time.. They say lessons have been learned but then we read about other cases where Essex police and other forces have failed women in Maria’s situation. That’s why we’re calling for a public inquiry. We want justice for Maria and for all women facing domestic violence who are failed by the state.’Three officers are facing misconduct proceedings over the case, but the IPCC report found that it has implications for the whole force.Ms Stubbings had made repeated contact with the police about her ex boyfriend Chivers in April 2008 about a possible burglary and again in July that year when he assaulted her.The IPCC found that Essex Police initially responded well, installing a panic alarm in her house and putting high risk warning markers on the address.However their efforts and those of other agencies then failed the alarm was removed and no risk assessment was made of Chivers despite the fact he spent four months behind bars because of her assault complaint.On December 11 that year, he burgled her home, stealing medication on which she was dependent, but a police call handler took down her address incorrectly so the warning markers did not come up and the call was downgraded.When officers visited the house on December 18, Chivers answered the door to them and said Ms Stubbings was away and that her son was out.They looked in her bedroom and left not realising that her body was under coats in the downstairs toilet.The following day her body was found.Distraught: Celia Peachey, Maria’s daughter says she would have been alive today if police had not bungled canada goose outlet, and Essex’s chief constable Stephen Kavanagh admitted the force had made mistakesThe family’s solicitor, Sarah Ricca from Deighton Pierce Glynn, said: ‘The family will now be pursuing the legal remedies available to them, including seeking an inquest and bringing a civil claim.’Their key concern is to ensure that other lives are saved. cheap canada goose
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